Aspects to Commonsense Reasoning
Are there fundamentally any more? Please add to the list.
(Some of these relate to each other).
- a) By definition - medicine is "good" (by definition medicine heals/cures).
b) Relates to basic or definitive property - car will take you faster than walking,
if it's at the bottom of the sea, its not visible from outside,
waiter telling a customer to bring a dish to eat,
not recognizing your brother.
- Something less important as against more important -
Saw some statues, but not the Eiffel tower on visit to Paris.
Fighting with the car-owner who dashed your car as against taking your injured friend to the hospital
- Alternative - if not this, something else.
If this pen doesnt work, take some other one.
- Relates to (reinforces or defeats) the very reason or purpose of saying or doing or of existence, of something -
“killed with a gun” implies shot with a gun and not say banged the gun on the head 10 times.
I called out to him, implies I can speak.
- ‘Disproportionate’ness/proportion -
Every American has a President (same for all; not one for each), every American has a mother (different for each, not the same one for all)
More the price lesser the demand
Early bird catches worm
- Pivotal dependence -
If the phone is not charged in the first place, then no use of the numerous functionalities and features
“Gateway to a lot” : (multiple/most number of/monumental things depending upon a single one/very few) -
wedding without the bride or the groom
- a) Unnecessary - a note-book for writing a letter, need to steal something you own, something happens on its own - no need to do anything for it
b) Misdirected efforts - push an object with a string, cutting a tree with a razor, cutting hair with an axe.
- Completeness - One thing useless without the other (left shoe without the right shoe).
- Inclusive implication -
If you own a Mercedes, then you own a cell phone.
If a building has a “5th floor” it has a 2nd floor (but not necessarily a 7th floor).
- Relating to Cases of maxima / minima /abundance / rarity -
Hit where it hurts the most, score 100/100 - you will stand first whatever be the competition.
If it’s once in a decade, preserve it
- What else/more (could be)? - Set of conceivable possibilities.
All of a total of known-to-be hundred items, numbered 1 to 100, have been checked while packing. What else could remain? (5 out of 5 means everything is present, nothing can be left out).
The human thief could be a male or a female. What else?
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