Is this a complete Q-A theory?
All questions have 4 components : A = what is being talked about, B = something connected to A, that is being asked (this is the "answer"), C = "connector" of A and B, and D = obviously the 'Wh word'. The target (potential answer) statement on the website is 'S'.
Consider these 2 simple questions : 1) What do elephants eat? 2) When is Christmas celebrated?
A = elephants B = food ("ANSWER") C = connector of A and B = eat
A = Christmas B = date ("ANSWER") C = connector of A and B = celebration
* B is the commonsense knowledge indicating the "type" of the answer = Answer to (C + D)? : (eat What)? 'Food' , (celebrate When)? 'Date'
* A and C have to be present, in some form (of course not necessarily as they are in the question) in 'S'. That's mandatory. That is,
A, or something present along with A in some entry in the commonsense KB, should be present in 'S'. Lets call that A[KB].
C, or something present along with C in some entry in the commonsense KB, should be present in 'S'. Lets call that C[KB].
Remnant in 'S' = S – A[KB] – C [KB] = (Answer), if 'Type' of the Remnant = B (checked from the commonsense KB).
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