Same and different aren’t “equivalent” opposites of each other. Because - the comparison checks - 'Same' or 'Different' - applied on 2 entities (while comparing them) aren’t equivalent.
Explanation :
If there is one difference between the 2 entities, they are definitely not same.
But if there is one similarity between the 2 entities, they may or may not be different.
What the two equivalent opposites, instead of ‘same’ and ‘different’, though, are -
‘More same than different’ & 2) ‘More different than same’.
The more the comparison-result between 2 things is of type-1, the lesser it is of type-2, and vice versa.
An example of equivalent opposites is simply, say, ‘Big and Small’; the more big A is than B, the less small it is than B.
Labels: General / Philosophy
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