Friday, October 8, 2021

The Psychological Mechanism of Deduction -

 The Psychological Mechanism of Deduction - 

The following are the kinds of relevant, intelligent things that can come in one's mind upon being exposed to some data.

The ones not covered are mostly the variants, in one way or the other, of these.

How the mind works in each case is mentioned, followed by a way to exploit the same on a machine.

  1. Suppose someone teaches you ‘If you shoot someone, he will be killed’. Then, one of the kinds of intelligent things that can come to your mind is - So if I want to kill someone, one of the ways is to shoot him! How does this work in the mind? How did this come to your mind?

Well, when you hear the part - he will be killed - you identify it to be a GOAL - say, your goal or someone else’s goal you know of. So this is simply a case of seeing one of the goals you know / have to be a part of some data which is presented to you. So this is partly luck also. Seeing the goal in your mind in some implication you come across, makes you reverse the link of implication and gives you one way to achieve the goal present in your mind. This is the mechanism of the thought occurring to you.

This can be mechanized-ly exploited on a machine. Every ‘A (implies) B’ link implies that one of the ways to achieve goal B is to do A !

  1. Suppose you hear on TV that India and Pakistan have started a war with each other. One relevant thought that comes to your mind is - oh ! so now there will be missiles onto my house. How did this effect of the given data come to your mind? 

The key was to identify yourself to be a part of India, (which has engaged in a war with Pakistan). This was about identifying something in a data to be the same as, or a part of, or relating to, something and then turning the effects of that data (that there will be missiles fired onto each other) onto that ‘something’.

This can be exploited on a machine - given any data, retrieve all that you know about every part of that data (from Wikipedia etc.), combine the two (apply / plug in each information you retrieved, to the data) and you have a deduction.

  1. Why + Generalisation - You see someone pull out a gun. You think - Now he is going to kill the other fellow in front of him. How did this come to mind?         

Well, the key here was to question i.e ask a WHY to a part of data you saw. You asked a ‘why’ to the pulling out of the gun, generalizing of which and applying the result to the specific case again, led to that thought.        

Even this can be exploited on a machine. Ask a ‘why’ to parts of data (from the Web - wikipedia etc.) and combine the general answer re-applied specifically, with the original data.

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