Saturday, December 26, 2020

Modification of Minsky's Frames

 MODIFICATION OF MINSKY'S FRAMES : Mechanism for commonsense

Minsky says that - "When one encounters a new situation (or makes a substantial change in one's view of the present problem) one selects from memory a structure called a Frame. This is a remembered framework to be adapted to fit reality by changing details as necessary.

A frame is a data-structure for representing a stereotyped situation, like being in a certain kind of living room, or going to a child's birthday party". (Minsky, 1974). 

So essentially what Minsky is saying is that the evoked frame is essentially commonsensical (comes from experiential commonsense - stereotyped), and the details are filled in as per the given data.

My claim, which is a sort of a distortion and reversal of the above - The evoked "frame" is something from memory which "matches" the given data. That "frame" is a particular set of data composed of details (made up of elements, which are from various different samples in one's memory, corresponding to the data) and whatever that particular frame brings along with it i.e. its details, constitute the mind's commonsensical assumptions for that given data, which are (obviously) not present in the given data. When some further new situation comes, this frame is referred to, to give answers as per these commonsensical contents/details of the evoked/imagined particular frame.

For example - When someone tells you that 'He went for a haircut'. You understand, though not stated, by commonsense, that he went to a saloon. My claim is that, on hearing whatever is given to us first, we evoke from memories, 'some person went for a haircut' (this  is most likely made up of components - a person, going, haircut/hair - each from one's memories). That image will automatically carry some details along with it (since they are drawn from samples from memory) - (e.g. he is wearing a particular shirt, he is roughly of a certain size, headed to a saloon / is inside a saloon etc.) and these have formed as a part of / according to our commonsense. Now, when some further situation comes up, this "frame" / image is referred to and the answers are drawn forth as per whatever they are (the commonsensical details) in that frame. So, for example, if some third person (say an absent-minded/less alert person or an idiot) around says - where has he gone? (after hearing that "he went for a haircut") - you immediately say to him - of course, to the saloon. What kind of a question is that? This answer comes from referring to the commonsensical details of that image or "frame".



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