Friday, October 8, 2021



Any data can be seen at many levels. Consider this data - 

John kicked the ball.

How other elements present in the data relate to the subject of consideration (mostly the action) leads to a new level of viewing the data at. Each such relation leads to a kind of inference.

Illustration : 

Consider the action ‘kicked’. So, the subject of consideration is the action i.e. kicked.

The following are 2 of the different levels of viewing the data at - 

LEVEL A - You see this as an instance of application of force. 

What led to seeing things at that level - THE ACTION TOUCHED THE BALL. That is, relating the subject to the ball.

Inference drawn from seeing things at that level - You think that the ball must have moved away.

LEVEL B - You see this as an act requiring energy.

What led to seeing things at that level - HUMAN DID THE ACTION. That is, relating the subject to the human doer - John.

Inference drawn from seeing things at that level - You think that John must have been a bit tired.



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