Wednesday, August 2, 2023

COMMONSENSE IN CAUSALITY where human intent is involved -

If X is the reason and its said resultant responsive action is Y, you still cannot be sure if the commonsense function of action Y is the reason to address the reason X. So if X is the reason and Y is its said action in response, it is only commonsense assumption in the first place that the intention of the commonsense function of Y is to address the reason X. Illustration : Consider this - I am feeling hot. So I switched on the AC. Reason - I am feeling hot Responsive Action - I switched on the AC. The reason why the action was done could be that I like hearing the sound of AC while sweat is pouring down my body. So the reason the reason is the reason for the action may not be the commonsense function of the action. It is only a commonsense assumption that the cooling effect of the AC was desired to neutralize the hot feeling.



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