Wednesday, August 2, 2023


Take a humongous source of data. All the possible kinds of sentences (on the basis of their parts-of-speech-combinatorial structure) will be covered in it. For each distinct type of sentence-structure do this : Say, the structure is NVN - John was doing his homework. Make combinations of all possible Ns and Vs in it from the dictionary. You will have a set of all possible sentences in the English language of the structure - John is doing his homework. Similarly generate all the possible sentences from all the various different structures of sentences. You will thus have all the possible grammatically correct sentences in the English language. Some of them will make sense. Some won't. If you distribute this set on the internet for kids to play with and just say whether this sentence is “possible” or “not possible” (which in fact will be a commonsense test), you will have a set of all possible sentential English language knowledge.



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