Tuesday, December 28, 2021

A Commonsense Knowledge Principle.

Consider Commonsense Knowledge - 

- Cars have numbers.
Everyone knows that vehicles have numbers. This is commonsense knowledge. But what is this piece of knowledge doing or talking about? Identifying cars. So in my view that's not much different (from the point of view of commonsense thinking, or from that of using this knowledge in practice) than knowing that human beings have names. Or let me extend this to a general principle of knowledge, wherein all such knowledge falls into - "Whenever there is a multitude of samples of the same thing, they are identified". So animals have names - tiger, lion, giraffe etc. Companies have names, flats have numbers, tickets have numbers etc.

- Consider another piece of commonsense knowledge - Guns have triggers. What is this doing or talking about? The operational cause of a gun. So this is no different (at the level of USING THIS KNOWLEDGE COGNITIVELY) than knowing that cars have keys or ovens have buttons.

This should be used in building commonsense knowledge bases. Knowledge principles should be identified and all relevant knowledge be clubbed in relevant categories.



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