Tuesday, December 28, 2021

Do we need a dictionary like this?

 Why does a word exist? Every word exists to describe a special reality. 'Fever' exists for an ill-health temperature condition, which is beyond 98.4F temperature. But there is no word for a cut laptop. 

The first part portrays the Commonsense Meaning (ill bodily temperature condition). The second part portrays the technical meaning (T > 98.4F)

What if we have a dictionary like this?

WORD                              COMMONSENSE MEANING                                      TECHNICAL                                                                                                                                                     MEANING
                      (why does the word exist? what special reality does it describe?)  (Meaning in scientifically-                                                                                                                                    studied technical terms)

Fastest                                   Maximum speed, rank 1 speed                                highest speed

Table              man made thing for keeping things at a certain height in space      3D-Geometrical description - flat surface supported by perpendicular legs

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